Quickly Made Cookies

Today I'm VERY busy. The guests are arriving in two hours, but the small crispy chicken balls aren't made yet. I think, I should hurry up!

Mmm, they're so so so delicious!
Not too sweet, but you still have to be careful that not to bite your tongue:) 

P.s. I didn't know how to name them, so they're going to be called 'Quickly Made Cookies', as to prepare to bake those yuuummies takes really not much time.

Quickly Made Cookies
2,1/2 cups milk(or 350ml)
1/4 cup butter
1/2 cup white sugar
1,1/2 cup wheaten flour
3 eggs
pinch vanilla

1.Take a pot and melt the butter on a low heat there. Pour the milk, sugar and vanilla in and wait until the mixture simmers. Then turn the heat off and add the flour, spoon by spoon(while adding, mix it slowly all the time). Whisk until the batter starts pulling away form the sides of the bowl. Then put the bowl in a cold place and wait a few minutes until it gets cool.
2.Add eggs, one at a time, and beat the batter thoroughly. The dough is prepared. Now, put it in the confectioner's bag, squeeze and form small cookies.
3.Heat the oven to 190 degrees(Celsius) and bake about 20-25 minutes until the top of the cookies gets a golden colour. Take them from the oven and wait about 10-15 minutes until cookies become completely cool. Now you can taste them!



  1. Šitą receptuką patalpinau savo receptų sąsiuvinyje. :) Pagalvojau, kad gal jam tiktų pavadinimas "Greitučiai". :)

  2. O, kaip smagu girdėti! O šis pavadinimas, manau, net labai tinka, nes jų kepimas užima tikrai nedaug laiko:)
