Pearl Sugar Bagels

I just came back from the supermarket and what I'm going to say is that I HATE doing shopping on Saturdays, I really do. Those general stores are overcrowded with people: screaming children at their parents that they're not buying as much candies as they want, crying babies about their lost dummies, arguing couples or teenage couples kissing on each corner(May be some of you would say that it's romantic, that they're enjoying their time, but you know, it sucks when you want to take a seat on one of the benches, but you see that the nearest one is occupied by a fourteen years old boy and a girl who are almost laying there and the boy's arms are under her clothes. Is it normal? Supermarkets are a public place, find another one for your games.). And the worst part - everyone's frowning. C'mon, stop being angry at everything and smile smile smile!

P.s. I think I've forgotten to brag - I have a driving license!!!
It's a little bit scary to drive when no one sits beside me, but I should get used to this.

The recipe:

Pearl Sugar Bagels
1/3 cup softened butter
2 tablespoons white sugar
pinch vanilla
3 tablespoons cream
2 cups wheaten flour
a few tablespoons pearl sugar

1.Take a bowl and combine the butter, sugar and vanilla there. Mix for a few times. Then add cream, flour and mix once again.
2.Knead a dough. Roll about 20cm length stripes(I made it with my fingers) and then form the bagels. Sprinkle with the pearl sugar on the top of each bagel.
3.Heat the oven to 175 degrees(Celsius) and bake for 12 minutes.